Sunny Days

Normally, I am a fan of the winter time. I think that dressing up for cold weather is fun and I am obsessed with sweaters! I love the rain and when the sky's all gloomy and I can drive my car home and cuddle up next to the fireplace. But, since I don't live in a place with a fireplace anymore and I'm sans car, winter is kinda getting on my nerves not gonna lie. Riding my fender-less bike in the rain leaves me soaking wet with dirt all over my face...which is not my favorite thing, surprisingly. 

So I thought that I'd trick my brain a little to start getting ready for some warmer weather! A little online shopping never hurt a girl, right? Here's a few things that I'm loving for spring/summer! Bring on the sunshine! :) 

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  1. Love love loveing all this summer stuff, I am so ready!! :):)

  2. This makes me want summer so badly! First, I need an amazing tan. Thanks so much for finding my blog, because I love yours! :)

  3. Ahhh can't wait to start shopping for summer :)

    So glad I came across your blog!


  4. I want to get some nice aviators. But I always lose my sunglasses :( Anyway, very cute blog you have here :)

    1. Thanks! There's really cute and cheap ones from B.P. at Nordstroms! They look almost identical to the real deal :)
